The simplest date and time formatting library for JavaScript.

Vreme is a simple date and time formatter library, it formats date and time to match provided human-readable example. It is inspired by date formatting in Go lang and Stamp Ruby library.

Why? Because formating date and time should be as simple as posible and remembering mmm/MM/YYYY/%D formats is not.

"Vreme" means Time in Serbian.


Install from using npm:

npm install vreme

Install from using bower:

bower install vreme

Or download it on a Github.


Import Vreme and make a new instance, than you should simply provide date and human readable format.

If works with node.js and in the browser. It supports CommonJS, AMD and using as global variable.

Node.js / io.js

You can format full dates and times or just a month/day name, as you can see in the example below:

var Vreme = require('Vreme')

var vreme = new Vreme()

var date = new Date('Sat, 01 Aug 2015 14:10:21')

// To get month
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'January'))            // Output 'August'
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Jan'))                // Aug
console.log(vreme.format(date, '12'))                 // 08
console.log(vreme.format(date, '2'))                  // 8

// To convert day names
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Monday'))             // Saturday
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'monday'))             // saturday
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Mon'))                // Sat
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Mo'))                 // Sa
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'MO'))                 // SA
console.log(vreme.format(date, '1st'))                // 1st
console.log(vreme.format(date, '22'))                 // 01

// To get year
console.log(vreme.format(date, '1999'))               // 2015
console.log(vreme.format(date, '42'))                 // 15

// To get time
console.log(vreme.format(date, '4:10 pm'))            // '2:10 pm'
console.log(vreme.format(date, '15:32'))              // '14:10'

// To get full dates
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'March 25, 1999'))     // August 01, 2015
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'March 1, 1999'))      // August 1, 2015
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'March 25th'))         // August 1st
console.log(vreme.format(date, '2014/04/25'))         // 2015/08/01
console.log(vreme.format(date, '2014/04/25 4:10 am')) // 2015/08/01 2:10 pm
console.log(vreme.format(date, '02/03/11'))           // 08/01/15
console.log(vreme.format(date, '21.04.2015'))         // 01.08.2015

// Or you can combine it with text
console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Date: March, 25th'))  // Date: August, 1st


With prototype

If you pass

usePrototype: true
in options Vreme will be added as a method of Date object (`Date#formatLike`), so you can use it like this:

var Vreme = require('Vreme')

var vreme = new Vreme({
  usePrototype: true

var date = new Date('8/20/2015')

// Then you can get date like this
console.log(date.formatLike('March 25, 1999'))    // August 20, 2015


In the browser

Just include vreme.js or vreme.min.js in scripts and use the module same as described above.

<!doctype html>
  <title>Vreme test</title>
  <script src="vreme.min.js"></script>

    var vreme = new Vreme();

    var date = new Date();

    console.log(vreme.format(date, 'Monday'));




This module is relying on regular expressions and I tried to keep it as simple as it's possible, so there is some limitations:

There are additional limitation that are not on this list, they'll be added.

For more complex date formats consider using strftime or moment.js

Report issues

Use Githib issues to report a problem or suggest a new feature.


Vreme is written in ES6 and compiled with Babel.

Intall Babel by running npm i babel -g then run npm install to install dev dependencies and npm run compile to transpile it to ES5.

If you want to run Babel manually, you'll need to do: babel src/index.js -o .tmp/vreme.js and then buildify to add support for CommonJS, AMD and script and to make minified version.


Run npm test or mocha -R spec ./test/index.js.

Fork me on GitHub